Grant Proposal: Decentralized utilities for robotics engineers
Robot agent based on libp2p allows for easier and more flexible message sharing across different communication methods. By using libp2p's system for keeping track of device addresses, devices can be recognized without depending on the specific transport method being used. This simplifies the development process and improves compatibility between various robotic systems. As a result, it makes the design of robotic applications simpler and supports a stronger, more adaptable ecosystem. To be complementary to an existing system, we propose to develop rust bluetooth libp2p transport and integrate it with a basis robot agent. Agent development will simplify the integration of new devices with the robonomics network due to the addition of libp2p node functionality and identity keypair per device. It is also expected to monetize the solution through consulting and IaaS services with DAOs and related companies. Launched agents can directly communicate with the robonomics network increasing the number of useful transactions to the network.
Any wallet proposal creation
Any wallet proposal creation
Any wallet
Any wallet
Change minimum approve + any wallet create proposal
Change minimum approve from 1 to 2 Any wallet can create proposal
delete old wallet
delete old wallet
Test withdrawal
Test withdrawal
Delete old wallet address
Just leave a single address in DAO
Old wallet removal
Just delete my old wallet
TLT HQ renovation
Repair and renovation